FPA of Northeast Florida has resources to help you succeed. The learning center is a collection of financial articles for you to use.

2017 - August
Navigating the College Financial Aid Maze
Here are eight hints to help you find the money

Retirement Readiness
Are you ready for retirement? Here's a checklist to help you assess your readiness

2017 - July
What We Can Learn from Baby Boomers About Managing Our Finances
Baby Boomers have experienced plenty and have developed their own unique sense of how to conduct their financial lives.

Be Like Buffett
Let's take a look at why some investors are taking a page our of Buffett's playbook.

2017 - June
What We Can Learn from Gen Xers About Managing Our Finances
Here are a few Gen X qualities worth applying to our own financial lives.

A Household Spending Plan You Can Actually Stick To
Here are 12 suggestions for implementing a spending plan you can actually stick to.

2017 - May
What We Can Learn from Millennials About Managing Our Finances
Millennials are highly value-conscious and they are similar to the Silent Generation..

Gray Divorce
Here's a look at 10 serious complications that tend to arise for divorcing couples in their 50s, 60s and older.

2017 - April
Financial Planning Checklist for Millennials
Here's a 12 step checklist recommended for Millennials to help solidify their financial present and position them well for the future.

Are You Aligned with the Right Type of Financial Professional
The benefits of working with a financial professional are well documented. It's important to work with the right kind of financial professional.

2017 - March
Financial Planning Checklist for Generation X
Here's an 11-item checklist designed to help Gen Xers get clear about their financial planning priorities.

Financial Planning in the Trump Era
Trying to find solid footing amid a state of flux?

2017 - February
Financial Planning Checklist for Baby Boomers
Here's 15 key planning steps recommended for Boomers.

Retirement Investing: Finding the Right Balance
Searching for some guidelines on how to strike an appropriate balance between growth, surety and liquidity for retirement?

2017 - January
Best Financial Advice for 2017
The top 15 money tips for 2017

Surviving the Sandwich
Feeling the pressure to provide some kind of financial support to your aging parents as well as your children. You're not alone..


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